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Now Available!

The Rose Island Lighthouse Series: The Curious Childhood of Wanton Chase

Lynne Heinzmann

Julia T. Heinzmann

Michaela M. Fournier

Marilyn T. Harris

Wanton Chase lived with his grandparents at the Rose Island Lighthouse from 1910 to 1916, from the time he was 1 to 7 years old. Later in life, he recorded his memories of his adventures on the island, which he shared with the Lighthouse Foundation. His recollections are the basis for the story chapters of this book. The history chapters contain additional information and photographs to provide context for the stories.


"In The Curious Childhood of Wanton Chase, Lynne Heinzmann has created a charming hybrid, with chapters of alternating non-fiction and fiction... This well-crafted book is as enchanting as it is informative and will surely engage young readers, as will the sweet watercolor illustrations and historic photographs.

Peter N. Nelson, author of I Thought You Were Dead and A More Unbending Battle: The
Harlem Hellfighters' Struggle for Freedom in WWI and Equality at Home

—  Name, Title

About the Author

Lynne M. Heinzmann (author) also wrote the historical novel Frozen Voices (New Rivers Press, 2016), winner of the Fairfield Book Prize. She is a wife, mother, friend, author, architect, stained-glass artist, and beagle-lover who lives in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. For more information about Lynne and her writing, please visit


Julia T. Heinzmann (illustrator) is the director of pre-school art education at Boston’s United South End Settlements. A graduate of the University of Rhode Island with degrees in both art and education, Julia enjoys drawing pictures, coloring sneakers, and playing with cats.


Michaela M. Fournier (graphic designer) has a passion for all things creative. She challenges herself with DIY projects and enjoys spending time with family and friends. Born and raised in Rhode Island, Michaela loves the unique history that makes the state so exceptional. 


Marilyn T. Harris (researcher) is a retired enrichment teacher, but these days you might find her in colonial garb telling stories to visitors at Smith’s Castle, a 340-year-old museum house in North Kingstown, RI. Her history obsessions are eclectic though. At various times she has been an ancient Egyptian, the “Unsinkable Molly Brown” (who was never called Molly), and an accused witch in Salem. One never knows who might show up.

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