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Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World
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About the Anthology
Nonwhite and Woman celebrates how women of color live and thrive in the world, and how they make their lives their own. The anthology’s title is from Lucille Clifton's luminous poem, won’t you celebrate with me, which serves as the anthology’s epigraph. Read the full poem here. The poem's inclusion in the anthology is granted from Copper Canyon Press.
Loralee Abercrombie ⋅ Karina L. Agbisit ⋅ María Alejandra Barrios ⋅ Hala Alyan ⋅ Anastacia-Renee ⋅ Julie Hakim Azzam ⋅ Selina Li Bi ⋅ Maroula Blades ⋅ Kimberly Blaeser ⋅ Ê»Iolani Brosio ⋅ Vivian Mary Carroll ⋅ Samantha Chagollan ⋅ Victoria Cho ⋅ Fela Cortés ⋅ Carla Crujido ⋅ Margarita Cruz ⋅ Ella deCastro Baron ⋅ Camille Dungy ⋅ Tina Ehsanipour ⋅ Dara Yen Elerath ⋅ Safia Elhillo ⋅ Theresa Falk ⋅ Alison Feuerwerker ⋅ Fatimah Finney ⋅ CMarie Fuhrman ⋅ Helena Garcia ⋅ Isabel Garcia-Gonzales ⋅ Gabrielle Ghaderi ⋅ Victoria K. Gonzales ⋅ Michelle Guerrero Henry ⋅ Samina Hadi-Tabassum ⋅ Stephanie Han ⋅ Ida Soon-Ok Hart ⋅ Sadia Hassan ⋅ Lisa Lee Herrick ⋅ Chelsea Tayrien Hicks ⋅ Christine Hsu ⋅ Kaitlyn Hsu ⋅ Rogelia Lily Ibarra ⋅ Mee Ok Icaro ⋅ Amal Iman ⋅ Toni Jensen ⋅ Alyssa Jocson Porter ⋅ Anita Johnson ⋅ Tayari Jones ⋅ Leena Jun ⋅ Kristiana Kahakauwila ⋅ Mohja Kahf ⋅ Blaise Allysen Kearsley ⋅ Lena Khalaf Tuffaha ⋅ Sabina Khan-Ibarra ⋅ Saheli Khastagir ⋅ Amanda Mei Kim ⋅ Eugenia Kim ⋅ Iris (Yi Youn) Kim ⋅ Kalehua Kim ⋅ Lydia Kim ⋅ Yi Shun Lai ⋅ Cassandra Lane ⋅ Devi S. Laskar ⋅ Sherilyn Lee ⋅ Lavonne Leong ⋅ Joanna Mailani Lima ⋅ Grace Hwang Lynch ⋅ Aretha Matt ⋅ DW McKinney ⋅ Sarah E. Mcquate ⋅ Claire Meuschke ⋅ Donna Miscolta ⋅ Sandy Namgung ⋅ Shaina A. Nez ⋅ Joan Obra ⋅ Preeti Parikh ⋅ Deesha Philyaw ⋅ London Pinkney ⋅ Saarika Rao ⋅ Barbara Jane Reyes ⋅ Roshni Riar ⋅ Karen Rigby ⋅ Rahna Reiko Rizzuto ⋅ Adrienne Robillard ⋅ Daleelah Saleh ⋅ Shei Sanchez ⋅ Misty Sanico ⋅ Misty Shock Rule ⋅ SJ Sindu ⋅ Gabrielle Smith ⋅ Jen Soriano ⋅ Liza Sparks ⋅ Anupama Spencer ⋅ Elizabeth Su ⋅ Victoria Sun ⋅ Yong Takahashi ⋅ Grace Talusan ⋅ Jeanne Tanaka ⋅ Imani Tolliver ⋅ Frances Kai-Hwa Wang ⋅ KeÊ»alohi Wang ⋅ Durthy A. Washington ⋅ Z. Williams ⋅ Jane Wong
About the Editors
Darien is a bestselling novelist with Penguin Random House and published in 11 countries. Her recent collection of micro memoirs, Allegiance, won the 2021 IPPY Bronze Award and her 2020 collection of poems, Other Small Histories, won the Poetry Society of America’s Chapbook Fellowship, judged by Patricia Smith. Her craft book, Writing the HawaiÊ»i Memoir, won the 2015 HawaiÊ»i Book Publishers’ Ka Palapala PoÊ»okela award. Darien has received a Sustainable Arts Foundation grant as well as a Vermont Studio Center fellowship. She is a former board member of ZYZZYVA. Darien is second-generation Chinese-American and lives with her family on the Big Island of HawaiÊ»i. Learn more at dariengee.com and writer-ish.com. Find her at @dariengee / @darienhsugee.

Carla is a hapa writer of Filipino, Norwegian, Mexican, and German descent. She is a graduate of the MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. A short story writer and essayist, Carla is originally from San Francisco, but now calls Phoenix home.
Find her at @carlacrujido.
NWW Reading Guides
Click the buttons below to download Nonwhite and Woman reading guides. Each PDF is geared towards a different audience and the questions are designed to help foster meaningful discussions about the book.