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Lisa Romeo - Flash Nonfiction Funny survey responses

Fiction or Nonfiction?

Nonfiction. I have a new memoir just out, Starting with Goodbye: A Daughter’s Memoir of Love after Loss. For reading, both. I love a fat novel!

Is it harder to write funny or sad?

Funny is much harder than sad. Sad is universal and has its own shorthand. Funny is hugely subjective and idiosyncratic. It’s very had to nail funny.

Long form or short form?

Both! Depends on what I’m writing. The story usually tells me what length or form it wants to be.

Poetry or prose?

I write prose 90% of the time. But I’m a dabbling poet.

Boxers or kickboxers?

I used to have a little crush on Billy Blanks.

Piece that you read and said Wish I’d thought of that?

On a bad day: Every. Single. Thing. Anybody. Else. Wrote.

Cloned or frozen?

You’re killing me.

Book you read and reread?

Except for when I have to teach from a book, I rarely reread from cover to cover. But I have favorite passages marked in dozens of books. I’m a sticky note supporter.

When writing is going well…

I delude myself into thinking it will be that way from then on, as if I’ve unlocked a secret. Hahahahaha!

Desert Island Book?

The Black Stallion. Might as well die dreaming a horse will save me. (Horses actually did save me when I was a teenager who only fit in at the stable.)

Lisa Romeo is the author of Starting with Goodbye: A Daughter’s Memoir of Love After Loss, just released by University of Nevada Press. She teaches in the Bay Path University MFA program, and works as an editor. Her short work is listed in Best American Essays 2016, and has been published widely, including the New York Times, Brevity, and O The Oprah Magazine. She lives in New Jersey. @LisaRomeo

A few upcoming readings / appearances

  • June 3 – Rough Draft Bar & Books, Kingston, NY

  • June 14 – BookTowne, Manasquan, NJ (Jersey Shore area)

Details are here:



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